
  • A consultancy has a basic fee of € 105 per hour including VAT. If we accept your case, the legal advice is free, in other words you have no intake costs.
  • Hourly fee
    • Basic fee of € 105 p / h including VAT for all your necessary advice. If the case is accepted, the costs for your first intake interview will lapse.
  • Verbal translation fee
    • Fee to go along to all your obligations, appointment with the township, UWV and from € 105 p / h including VAT.
  • Written translation fee
    • A concrete translation fee of € 0.115 excluding VAT per word with high quality.
  • Additional costs
    • In particular cases where proceedings are brought before a judicial authority, you should take additional costs into account, such as court registry fees, bailiff’s fees and legal fees. Costs for hiring an expert will always be made in mutual consultation and with your permission.
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